Caleb participated in two check rides while seated in the front seat of the ASK-21
glider aircraft. A Check Ride is a tool used to prepare students for license training and
assessments. It is a practical test used by the FAA which one must undergo to receive an aircraft pilot’s certification or rating for additional flight privileges. As a 10 th grader, Caleb took an on-road ride and then had a debrief with his instructor afterwards. He attentively grasped on-road tactics and strategies, and safe riding skills and behaviors with his flight instructor. Those check rides have been instrumental to Caleb’s progress as a youth pilot. He continues to shine as a rising star in the air.
For an hour and a half, Caleb participated in an intense and drilling examination administered by a FAA examiner. The examination consisted of an oral exam which Caleb mastered, and a flight component wherein Caleb aptly demonstrated several flying techniques for basic and advanced pilots in a glider. The successful conclusion of Caleb’s performance was widely celebrated by his family, friends and fellow sailplane soaring pilots on the East Coast.